Superion® InterSpinous Spacer (Vertiflex)

This is an implant that lifts and separates your vertebrae. It’s used to treat lumbar spinal stenosis. That’s a narrowing of the space around your spinal nerves in your lower back. The Superion® InterSpinous Spacer (Vertiflex) implant makes more room for these nerves, relieving painful compression.

With the help of a fluoroscope (an x-ray device that shows video images), the surgeon carefully inserts the Superion implant. It is placed between the spinous processes of your vertebrae. Those are the bony protrusions at the rear of your spine. The implant expands, pushing apart your vertebrae and locking securely into position in your spine. This relieves pressure on your nerves.

Radiofrequency Neurotomy of the Lumbar Facets

During this minimally-invasive procedure, the physician uses heat from radio waves to treat painful facet joints in your lower back. This procedure is also called radiofrequency rhizotomy. It can treat pain that doesn’t respond to medications or to physical therapy.

The physician uses the electrode to heat the nerve. This disrupts its ability to transmit pain signals. Several nerves may be treated if necessary. If the correct nerves were treated, you will gradually experience pain relief as you heal. This may take several weeks.

Medial Branch Block (Lumbar)

This is an injection of numbing medicine. It bathes the medial branch nerves, which attach to the facet joints of your spine. These nerves hurt when facet joints are injured or diseased. The injection helps find the source of your pain.

When the procedure is finished, you may feel pain relief for the next few hours. You may be asked to keep track of your pain level as the medicine wears off. If the block was successful, your doctor can recommend a procedure to provide long-lasting relief.

Sacroiliac Joint Steroid Injection

The Sacroiliac Joint identifies the location where the spine and hip joint meet. This injection procedure is designed to relieve pain created by arthritis in the Sacroiliac Joint by reducing swelling and inflammation.

The procedure begins with a patient resting on a pillow that is placed underneath his/her stomach. Utilizing touch and a fluoroscope, the doctor identifies the Sacroiliac Joint and applies a local anesthetic to the surrounding tissue.

A needle is then inserted into the joint, and a steroid-anesthetics mix is injected into the joint to sooth the inflamed, painful area.

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To make an appointment, call the office directly at (303) 945-4790 or request one through our online Patient Portal.

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Main Office

12596 West Bayaud Ave
Suite 205
Lakewood, CO 80228

Phone: (303) 945-4790
Fax: (877) 861-0393 or
(720) 645-1959

Office Hours

Monday - Thursday
8:00am - 5:00pm